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Monday, October 21, 2013

I am currently on vacation!

Having spent a full year writing Long Ago and Not Very Far Away and publishing it online weekly, I was disheartened when I offered the ending to the story for $5.00 and only had one taker.  That does not amount to a very big paycheck for what I thought was a very entertaining and heart breaking story.   My paypal button is still laughing at me!

I will be back on this site at some point in time, but I think it is going to be as some sort of product or restaurant review.  Maybe I will share a few recipes with you.  I am working on another book, but I shall keep it under wraps and I am not going to either do it for free or invest another $4,000 .00 and not get a return on my investment.

I see a few of you check in here occasionally, so I guess  somebody actually read me.  Until I come up with something, hang in there.