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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Installment #26 Marge and Tucker

     Marge clicked the caller id and groaned.  It was Tucker and she might as well answer it.  She could not know just what was in the little fellows mind if she didn’t actually answer and hear what he had to say.
     “Hello, Marge here.”
     “Oh, Marge!  It is Tucker!  I have been calling, but you must have been gone.” 
     “Damn, he is brilliant.” She thought it, but she did not say it.  Tucker had the ball in his court and she had not forgotten their last conversation when he had slammed the phone down in her ear.
     “Well, yes Tucker.  We did manage to get away for a few days.”  It had been 5 months since they last talked, but no good could come of her reminding him of that and of the conversation they had ended so abruptly.  “How have you been?”  She waited and was surprised to hear him catch his breath.  Was he crying?  “Tucker?  Are you alright?”
     “Marge, I just called Cynthia.  Well, last night, I called her.”  He waited expectantly, but Marge did not understand what he was saying, or not saying.  If she thought about it, she might.  Tucker couldn’t apologize.  If you got technical about it, he had done nothing wrong.  Cynthia had.  She had worked on Obama’s campaign.  He had merely voiced his opinion and she had walked out.

     “Yes, and how did that go?  Did you apologize?”  She knew before he answered what the answer was to that one.
     “Well, no.  I really don’t need to.  I don’t think I did anything that wrong.  Just voiced my opinion is all.  She is the one that got mad.  She might want to apologize to me!”  Tucker smiled in the phone, but the smile quickly died on his lips.

     “Oh for Criss sake, Tucker!  Are you brain dead?  Shall I apologize for you breaking my ear drum?  I would not hold my breath waiting for her or me to say we are sorry!”
     “Well, I do not expect you to apologize, but you have to understand, that I was uspset.  I really cared about her and I was just trying to get her to see that her liberal ways were wrong.  I was doing it for her good.”  Tucker stopped talking.  Not because he was through, but because he knew he was not getting through to Marge.  She had her mind made up and nothing was going to change it.  So Tucker took what for him was the high road.  “Ok, Marge, I just wanted you to know that Cynthia is back in my life and I would like you to meet her at some point.  You, and of course, David.”

     “OK, Tucker.  Later.  Right now I am babysitting the little niece and she needs me.  We will talk later.  Hugs.”  And with that she replaced the receiver in the cradle and turned to see David with a smirk on his face.

     “Well, where is that little niece anyway?  I cannot see her!  She must be very little!  I trust that was Tucker?”
     “Oh, yes! You ass!  Of course it was Tucker.  He called Cynthia and wanted me to know it.  Guess he figures he can just walk through this one like nothing happened.  I wonder if Cynthia knows that Tucker lives on the river of de-Nile?  If she doesn’t she will.  I do not think Tucker has ever been held accountable for any of his actions, ever?”

     “Probably not.  Tucker does what Tucker does and ignores the consequences.  It does rather surprise me that he even called her.  Usually just writes them off and goes on down the road.  What do you suppose it is about that woman?   Tucker Fuhrman sees something that is for sure.  We have got to meet her, Marge.  If it is the last thing we ever do.”
     Marge sighed, “That is for sure.  Oh, David, he is such a sad little man with the way he thinks and justifies every move he makes.  I just hope this Cynthia knows what she is getting in to with Tucker.  I am hungry for Italian.  Want to cook or go to Guiseppe’s?” 

     And with that Tucker was forgotten for the evening.

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