"Come on, kids! Lets go scope this out!" I started for the opening and the furry creatures leapt in anticipation. It was now my conception that time was flying past. I thought I had been here a few days, but a visit to Bret proved me wrong. It had apparently been a few years. Either way I wanted to scope out the lay of the land and see just what heaven or whateverthisplacewas looked like. I stood outside and looked to my right. I wanted to go there and suddenly I was there!
Ahead of me lay the Rainbow Bridge! I had heard of this place, but I did not realize it was an actual bridge. I instinctively knew that on the other side would be a welcoming place. As I watched the animals nearest me began to get excited. Suddenly a little ball of fur began to jump up and down. It was a very cute little champagne colored poodle. Kenny had one like that years ago. Her name was Tammy and that dog was devoted to him. I did not see anyone coming to claim the dog, but I waited. And then I saw a woman who appeared to be searching the Bridge. Sysnyck and Charmin had come to me, but this woman was searching for her pet, it seemed. Suddenly the little ball of fur hurdled itself up in the air, over the side and bolted up the bank on the other side.
The woman watched the dog with a look of bliss on her wrinkled old face. "Oh, Buster! There you are! You little dickens. I have missed you so." She reached down and picked up the little ball of fluff which immediately began to lick her face with puppy kisses that had too long been denied. As she held her puppy to her breast she slowly began to fade away. Instinctively, I knew they were going to their own little mossy room and was very happy for them. And then I noticed another commotion. I watched as a red Dingo separated from the pack and waited expectantly watching in the direction the last person had come.
I suddenly knew! It was my Chile Dog, but I was on the wrong side. I pictured myself on the incoming side and Chile saw me. She bolted forward and I bent to caress her waiting head. She had been a wonderful pet and always so protective. Next came Polly. Polly was the white cattle dog with one black eye.
So now I knew there was an incoming side. How had I missed that? Or was that something that came later. I looked at Sysnyck and Charmin. How had I gotten them with me? Or had they found me? Could animals leave the Rainbow Bridge without an owner? There was sure a lot about this hereafter that I was going to have to learn.
I wondered if we could all fit in my mossy little room, but decided that we could and we would, so I took leave of the Rainbow Bridge and thought about the room. And there we were!
Ahead of me lay the Rainbow Bridge! I had heard of this place, but I did not realize it was an actual bridge. I instinctively knew that on the other side would be a welcoming place. As I watched the animals nearest me began to get excited. Suddenly a little ball of fur began to jump up and down. It was a very cute little champagne colored poodle. Kenny had one like that years ago. Her name was Tammy and that dog was devoted to him. I did not see anyone coming to claim the dog, but I waited. And then I saw a woman who appeared to be searching the Bridge. Sysnyck and Charmin had come to me, but this woman was searching for her pet, it seemed. Suddenly the little ball of fur hurdled itself up in the air, over the side and bolted up the bank on the other side.
The woman watched the dog with a look of bliss on her wrinkled old face. "Oh, Buster! There you are! You little dickens. I have missed you so." She reached down and picked up the little ball of fluff which immediately began to lick her face with puppy kisses that had too long been denied. As she held her puppy to her breast she slowly began to fade away. Instinctively, I knew they were going to their own little mossy room and was very happy for them. And then I noticed another commotion. I watched as a red Dingo separated from the pack and waited expectantly watching in the direction the last person had come.
I suddenly knew! It was my Chile Dog, but I was on the wrong side. I pictured myself on the incoming side and Chile saw me. She bolted forward and I bent to caress her waiting head. She had been a wonderful pet and always so protective. Next came Polly. Polly was the white cattle dog with one black eye.
So now I knew there was an incoming side. How had I missed that? Or was that something that came later. I looked at Sysnyck and Charmin. How had I gotten them with me? Or had they found me? Could animals leave the Rainbow Bridge without an owner? There was sure a lot about this hereafter that I was going to have to learn.
I wondered if we could all fit in my mossy little room, but decided that we could and we would, so I took leave of the Rainbow Bridge and thought about the room. And there we were!
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...