Let me just read the email here. Poor, dear Delilah. Seems the dating world may be more than she is actually ready for at this point.
Hells bells, why is nothing easy Lou? I've gone on 2 dates now with this man from New York. He is 53, so he is a bit older then me and get this, he is jewish, not that that matters and he isn't a practicing jew but he brings it up alot. He has traveled the world and he is so smart and I really enjoy talking to him. We have spent 4 nights, other then the dates on the phone talking for hours and hours and it is never boring. He has a fantastic sense of humor and we laugh constantly. He is average looking, he has red curly hair, but he is only as tall as me and that is different for me. He is fairly wealthy and he is building 2 houses on this huge acerage he bought, he is living in the carraige house cause that has already been built while he builds the main house, he wants to design everything in it. A carriage house you ask, I did too, all it is is a guest house with a huge garage, go figure. then he showed me what would be the great room in the main house, great room you ask, i did too, that is only a fancy name for a huge room that is the kitchen, living room and dining room combined. Lots I don't know about the moneyed life. He sounds great, doesn't he. But, yes here comes the but, I don't think there is any chemistry. Can you grow to be physically attracted to someone? or does it have to be there from the beginning? and what the hell is it anyway, why can noone figure that out? No nothing is easy, at least in my life. Okay, I guess there are many worse situations to be in, so i won't whine anymore at least for now. talk to ya soon. Oh and I am so in love with his dog.
Well, girl this sounds good. Got to tell you right up front there are a couple or three things that hit me quick on this. First is the Jewish statement. If this is going to lead to the alter it is going to need to be important. Remember SWM I dated last summer? Catholic. Not practicing and never bothered with church at all, but when it came to the big break up, the one where he discovered I was a Liberal (Like that was a secret! LOL) the second words out of his mouth was that we were from different backgrounds, which I took to mean religions. So while it does not matter now, it may later, or not.
The laughing together part is a good thing and a sense of humor is probably the most important thing to have in any relationship. And the guy can not help how tall he is Since you are a foot taller than me, I do not think he is overly short, so don't try to tell me that this is a problem. Now if he was the same height as me, I could see where there might be a problem. Course a midget might be easier to control. LOL Anyway, you understand how important a sense of humor is, don't you? Remember that moron you dated before you moved to Kansas City? Oh, D. try to find another one of those!! I sure enjoyed trying to get the punch line through to him...NOT!
The moneyed part would be the biggest problem with me, but I think you can overcome it. You actually have dresses and stuff like that to make you look girlie and a certain bit of class. So I think, if all else worked out then you could adjust to that one. It sounds to me like his house is going to be one of those that I can tour on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"? The important thing here is this, where did he get this kind of money? Did daddy give it to him or did he earn it? If he earned it, you are good to go in that department, but if daddy gave it to him, he is probably one of those little a..holes that we tend to want to stay away from!
Ah, now the part I actually know something about...SEX! Unfortunately I can not answer for you. I was born horny, but that is just me. I would say if you do not find him repulsive, there is hope the little WOW button will pop up some day. I don't think I would go for a roll in the hay hoping it pops up. Sex complicates things right from the get go! Puts a whole new dynamic in play, so if you are in doubt, do not introduce that variable until you are sure. Do you need the old your body is a temple and you are the keeper of the key sermon?
Now, dear girl, as I recall, I asked you several questions concerning the validity of this online crap and how do you weed out the ones really honest from the dreamers behind the boiler? I am wondering how any one with lots of money and all you say has not found some little chickie on his own? Are you sure this is his house? Mayhap he is the caretaker? And most important of all, what kind of dog? That might give you some insight. Big strong, strapping fellow with a toy poodle might send up a red flag. Does the dog like him? Does it like you?
Well, girlie, girl, I need to run to Walmart and pick up some fabric. No matter what I have on hand, that is not the one I need. And have you checked out my Hemp Butter Face Cream I sent you? That stuff is going to make me a million dollars...I hope!
Later, Lou
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