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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Profile to catch a man...

This is going to be my profile picture.  At least until I can find that picture I had taken in my senior year.  Hey!  I am a senior and it was a senior picture!  I still look pretty much the same.  Sort of, any way.  So here is my profile as I am going to publish it.  I am getting all excited here.
That is not really my picture, but just see what is in store for you!  Lots of dessert!  I am an early to bed, early to rise kind of gal.  I can usually be found around the house in my jeans or cut offs, but if you have  a high class event that requires a lady on your arm and I am there.  Clean me up and I look damn good.  I can hold a conversation with the man on the street or the man that owns the street.  My friends range from the druggies in rehab to the auto worker in Detroit; from the waitress in the coffee shop to the Governor of the state; from the AIDS client to the CEO of the bank.  I can make you laugh or I can make you cry.  I have never met a human being that I did not connect with on some level.  I would love to join you for a cup of coffee and let's just see how that goes.
There you go.  Does that sound humble enough?  Seems pretty honest?  Forgot to tell them that the only time I have free is the block of time from 6:30 to 8:00 on Sunday evening, but they will figure that out.  I will leave this up for 24 hours and you let me know if I need to change anything. 

(Personal note to Joe..Hey man!  You snooze, you lose!)

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