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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oh, dear, methinks inflation has hit the online dating thing!

OK, the girl is churning them out now.  And this just amazes it and then I will comment and answer her back.....

Ten bucks? Try thirty-five/month. Anyway, I spent the night on the phone and found out some interesting stuff. My bad, I guess something like 85% of people lie, they even post pics that aren't themselves and say they are 100lbs thinner then they really are or 10yrs younger. Can you believe that shit? I mean what the hell would you do when you actually showed up to meet someone? wouldn't that be humiliating? I am hearing the most hilarious stories. This one guy went to meet the girl at the movies and she had said her body was average and she could barely fit into the seat. Anyway, I have my first coffee date tonight.
So what's up your butt? Maybe you should get on this site with me and get some, they say its a good tension reliever.
Yes, all is the same here, nothing ever changes. It will be great to see you and I'll try to have some weeded out by the time you get here. I have 2 dinner dates lined up this weekend. I'll keep you updated!!!

Ok, let me just answer this one.  Then I will comment, unless something better comes along, which could be watching the neighbor man walk!

Delly, Delly,

You have got to be jerking me around! Thirty five dollars a month!  That is more than I spend on gas!  More than I spend on groceries.  For that kind of money they ought to deliver you a specimen drawn and quartered to the front door!  You are spending more than I make!

Now as for the chickies kind of embellishing things, I have been known to do that myself.  Nothing big mind you, just a little younger than I really am and maybe tell them my correct weight, but tell them I am 6 feet tall.  I am not fat, just short.  Course if one gets stuck in  a seat at the theater the guy is going to catch on pretty quick.  Course just look around, 60-70 pounds overweight is about average. LOL

So who is paying for this said coffee?  Independent Delilah or are you going to pull out the girlie card and make him do it?  Lot to be said for not letting him buy.  How much is coffee now days.  Used to be us girls were expected to give it up for a hamburger.  Women have come a long ways, but the men have yet to figure that out.

Just got an e from the boy and he will be here in 2 hours.  So much for the cleaning of the house.  Call me after your coffee tonight!  Curious minds want to know.  And you are not suggesting that I would benefit from a little male companionship?  For your own sake, I hope not!


Well, sorry, but if the boy is about to arrive I have got to get out of my jammies.  Will check in after the girl has her coffee.  If she makes it home.  If she makes it to the coffee shop.  Why is it if some one says, "Lou this is Homer" it is alright to go for coffee.  But if I pull one of the internet it is scary?  Not that I am interested in doing that myself. 

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