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Sunday, March 25, 2018

#11 The Aurora Boreales.rerun

I did not see Sysnyck and Charmin any where so I concluded that had gone on some sort of outing.  For some reason I started think about the Aurora Borealis.  I have no idea where that came from, but on a whim I decided I should see it.  I had heard talk of it all my life, but being in Kansas and Colorado, I had never encountered it myself.  I think it is some sort of magnetic field and I had heard of the slow, dancing lights and how enthralling the sight was, but I had never bothered loading into the car and going North in case it was actually happening.  Now that I have all this time on my hands, I think I shall investigate the phenomenon.  I stood upright, or at least it seemed upright in my mind and thought about what I knew about the light show that occurred at times.  Slowly I felt myself moving and then with a burst of speed that had I actually been alive, would have probably ripped my head off my body, I was transported.

I am here to tell you, I did not have to view the Aurora Borealis from a distance.  Oh, no.  I was right smack dab in the middle of the light show.  I was so close I could not see it, so I pulled back a little ways, and stared at the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.  Bands of color swayed before me.  Mostly a dark limish green, and then blue, and pink.  The colors changed as I watched.  There were all shades and all hues.  Pale green gave way to a bright blue, which changed into a purple swirling mass.  It undulated before me and I swear I could hear the angels singing.

Once I was coming back from Denver and it was dark and cold.  As I started down Monument hill the lights picked up what looked like fairy dust in the headlights.  I figured it was probably frost in the air that had not fallen yet and my lights caught it.  This light show was similar to that.  It was nothing tangible, but it was there.  I was afraid to close my eyes because I feared the show would stop when I did.  I do not know how long I was there nor did I know where I was.  The Northern Lights, it was called, so I assumed I was North, but north of where?

I was not cold, but then this afterlife was neither cold, nor hot, nor anything really.  I had no idea how long I gazed at the Northern Lights and my only awareness was that I was totally unaware of anything.  Time stood still.  There had to be more to it than this.  I was totally alone as near as I could tell, but that could not be right.  I wanted to learn about this place that I now called home.  There had to be others here.  I had seen mom and Jake.  I had talked with Kenny. I had seen the woman pick up her dog, so I knew there was more to it than what I had seen.  With that thought in mind, the Aurora Borealis faded from my vision and was no more.

I was in my room.  My room.  While the afterlife was pleasant enough. I wanted more.  I wanted answers.  As I drifted on a cloud to sleep, I prayed the prayer I had prayed when I was alive.  "Now I lay me down to sleep.  I pray the Lord , my soul to keep.  If I...."  I never finished that line, because I had already died before I woke.

Monday, March 19, 2018

#10 Past, Present, or future? rerun

Once more the thought of a walk intrigued me.  The last one had taken me to the Rainbow Bridge.  This time I wanted to just see the lay of the land and kind of explore.  It was amazing that if I were in the land of the living, I would be faunching at the bit to have lunch with one of my friends, solitude did not seem to bother me at all in this place, what ever it was.  It could not be heaven, because there were no angels.  And since I had never seen heaven, how did I know it wasn't heaven.  Best not to think too much.

Since I had gone forward the last time I decided to go to my right this time.  I walked (floated) up a gentle incline and then down the other side.  I came upon a house and was surprised to find it was a replica of my house on 5th Street in Hutchinson.  Why that place had been bulldozed years ago.  The last time I drove out 5th most of the houses were gone.  Hmm.

 I entered the house and was surprised to find it the same as it had been when I worked at the Red Carpet!  Oh!  There was that doll house that Gib and I had put together right after I had moved into the house.  The first Christmas.  No tree, so it must be past Christmas.  I peeked in the bedroom and there were the bunk beds.  Patty and Dona were asleep all wrapped up in each other.  Debbie was on the top bunk and Sam on the other bottom bunk.  One was empty.  That was because Patty and Dona always slept together.  Dona had her piece of one of my slips in her hand and was sucking on her thumb.  She sucked her thumb and Patty twisted her own hair.  That is how they slept.  I could brush Patty's hair and she would fall asleep.  Silly little girl.

I realized that I was in the past!  If I could stay in the past, I could change the things that had happened!  It was surreal to be here and yet not be here.  I wanted to touch my babies.  But what could I touch them with?  I was not real.  They were not real and yet they were the exact same as I remembered them.  I hurried to the back window.  The old black Ford was there.  The one with the floor board rusted out on the drivers side.  OMG!  I realized I was pregnant!  Susie was still in my stomach.  My heart wrenched as I stood in my past and knew it was all beyond my control.  It was overwhelming and I needed the security of my room.  In a perfect world I would have still been in Garden City with my husband, but the world is not perfect and I am not in it any more.

I opened the back door and stepped outside.  I heard music and knew it was coming from down the street where Crow Bar was located.  I turned back to the house, but it was gone.  I walked down to the bar, opened the door and went in.  There he set with Jake.  A blonde haired stranger.  Beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, Louella!  over here.  I have someone I want you to meet.  This is Duane Seeger.  He works for  the Tree Service man."  And my life was never the same.  We were married 3 weeks later.  Five kids later, a divorce, both remarried, years later and it all was like yesterday.  And then I was on the knoll and then in my mossy little room.  In my room I did not have to think.  I did not have to remember.  I could just be.

I knew if I left the room and went forward I come to the Rainbow Bridge.  If I went to my right, I went into the past.  Which way had I gone to see Bret?  I hadn't.  I had just thought, so if I wanted to see the future, I thought about them and I was in their present.  Where was the future?  I am apparently existing on 3 different levels, past, present and future.  It was more than my little mind could comprehend, so I did what I do best...I fell asleep.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

#9 The Rainbow Bridge. rerun

"Come on, kids!  Lets go scope this out!"  I started for the opening and the furry creatures  leapt in anticipation.  It was now my conception that time was flying past.  I thought I had been here a few days, but a visit to Bret proved me wrong.  It had apparently been a few years.  Either way I wanted to scope out the lay of the land and see just what heaven or whateverthisplacewas looked like.  I stood outside and looked to my right.  I wanted to go there and suddenly I was there!

Ahead of me lay the Rainbow Bridge!  I had heard of this place, but I did not realize it was an actual bridge.  I instinctively knew that on the other side would be a welcoming place.  As I watched the animals nearest me began to get excited.  Suddenly a little ball of fur began to jump up and down.  It was a very cute little champagne colored poodle.  Kenny had one like that years ago.  Her name was Tammy and that dog was devoted to him.  I did not see anyone coming to claim the dog, but I waited.  And then I saw a woman who appeared to be searching the Bridge.  Sysnyck and Charmin had come to me, but this woman was searching for her pet, it seemed.  Suddenly the little ball of fur hurdled itself up in the air, over the side and bolted up the bank on the other side.

The woman watched the dog with a look of bliss on her wrinkled old face.  "Oh, Buster!  There you are!  You little dickens.  I have missed you so."  She reached down and picked up the little ball of fluff which immediately began to lick her face with puppy kisses that had too long been denied.  As she held her puppy to her breast she slowly began to fade away.  Instinctively, I knew they were going to their own little mossy room and was very happy for them.  And then I noticed another commotion.  I watched as a red Dingo separated from the pack and waited expectantly watching in the direction the last person had come.  

I suddenly knew!  It was my Chile Dog, but I was on the wrong side.  I pictured myself on the incoming side and Chile saw me.  She bolted forward and I bent to caress her waiting head.  She had been a wonderful pet and always so protective.  Next came Polly.  Polly was the white cattle dog with one black eye.  

So now I knew there was an incoming side.  How had I missed that?  Or was that something that came later.  I looked at Sysnyck and Charmin.  How had I gotten them with me?  Or had they found me?  Could animals leave the Rainbow Bridge without an owner?  There was sure a lot about this hereafter that I was going to have to learn.  

I wondered if we could all fit in my mossy little room, but decided that we could and we would, so I took leave of the Rainbow Bridge and thought about the room.  And there we were!

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

Friday, March 9, 2018

#8 What is time? rerun

I reclined against whatever and enjoyed just being here and being me.  I began to wonder about the kids and how they were handling not having me any more.  How long had it been?  How could I find out?  I closed my eyes and thought back to the day I died and the place.  I was there!  My body was not.  The bed was stripped and all my personal belongings were gone.  Wait a minute!  That was not my bed!  The room was no longer purple.  And what was that godawfulsound coming from the other room?  I recognized it as some sort of classical music.  I listened for a moment and decided it was not really that bad.  I had always gone the classic country route myself.  Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, George Jones, Loretta Lynn, oh and Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner.  I remembered back when Dolly was a brunette and did not have boobs.  That was a long time ago!  But I had other fish to fry.  If this was no longer my home, where were my kids?

Sue was still in Pueblo, I was sure as was Bret.  Those were the youngest.  Better check on them first.  I pictured Bret since he was the baby.  I pictured him in Florence, where he lived.  That place was empty.  When I had last seen him he drove a red car, worked in the marijuana trade, and was going to the Community College to learn welding.  I flitted over to Florence and found that house empty.  Not at the grow.  Not at the college.  OK.  I needed to think.  I had a tie to him so if I thought about him and Amanda and the baby, it should pull me to them.  I pictured him as I last saw him.  He had just gotten bitten by a scorpion at the grow and he was pretty upset.  Baby had been comforting him.  I felt air begin to race by my face and I knew I was moving and moving very fast.  And suddenly I stopped outside a small house in a country setting.  Where was this?  Hey, a welding truck in the driveway.  The tag showed it was from Kansas.  Reno county.  Wow!  He had gone back to my hometown.  I zoomed out and looked back down.  Yep.  He was in Nickerson, Kansas.

The last time I had seen Nickerson, it was a depressed area with lots of deserted mobile homes.  Not so now.  It looked like it had made a comeback.  So this is where Bret moved.  Wonder when he did that.  Probably when he got his inheritance from me.  I looked around and no one was in the yard.  There was a small bike there.  That must belong to Jiraiya.  I looked for him and saw no signs of anyone anywhere.  I judged it to be about supper time, so I peeked in what I thought was the kitchen and there they were.  Amanda was putting supper on the table.  Bret was leaning against the sink telling her about his day.  Jiraiya was at a desk in the corner working on a coloring book.  He was doing a really good job.  How old was he now?  He was just turned 2 when I left.  He looked to be about 3 or 4 now.  So apparently I have only been dead about a year.  Well, all I can say is "Time flies when you are having fun!"  Seemed like only yesterday.  As I watched the little scene before me, I heard the phone ring.  Bret pulled the phone from his pocket, checked the caller ID and said to no one in particular, "It is Aunt Donna.  I will call her back."  Aunt Donna was my only surviving sister.  It was good to know they were in touch.  She lived in Hutchinson, Kansas.

As they ate they talked about an upcoming trip they were going to take.  Bret seemed to be in charge of the plans.  Leave on Saturday, drive to Pueblo, check into their room at the Best Western and sleep.  " And the next morning we will go take your folks to breakfast, visit a while and then go see Susie.  She is still working at the laundromat."  It took a moment for that to sink in.  Sue had been Bret's birth mother and my youngest daughter.  We had adopted him and as could be expected, life had gotten complicated.  They must have made peace after my death.  Well, that was good.  I would need to look into that more at a future time, but right now I was missing my mossy little room and Sysynck and Charmin, so I closed my eyes and pictured the room.

I could sure get used to this method of travel!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

#7 An outing of my own! rerun

I stretched out my arm and found Sysnyck.  The other hand found Charmin.  I was amazed at how content I was.  I was alone in wherever I was, but I was happy.  Was this how it would always be?  I thought back to my visit from Mother and my visit from Jake.  That had been nice, but was that all there was to this?  Just set here, take naps and wait for someone to visit?  I wondered, if I left my mossy little room how  would I find my way back?  Well, how had I found my way here in the first place?  I peered through the opening and saw the brightness that awaited me outside.  I somehow knew it was time.  I thought myself forward and so I moved.

On a whim I moved forward about 10 feet and turned to look at my mossy room.  There was nothing there.  Nothing.  I some how knew it was there, but I just wasn't seeing it.  So I turned back and once more moved forward.  The air was neither hot nor cold.  There was no wind.  I drifted slowly forward, or at least what I thought was forward.  There was no sun, but the light was brilliant.  I stopped and listened and I heard nothing.  Was I the only one here?  Wait!  I found mother because I thought of her.  The same with Jake.  Sysnyck and Charmin had come from my subconscious.  So I stopped.

I closed my eyes and I though of my late husband, Kenny.  I saw his brilliant blue eyes and I heard his laughter.  And there he was!  He was exactly as I remembered him, but without the oxygen.  He wore his Levi's and a tee shirt.  This one was red.  Red had always been my favorite on him.  He smiled and then laughed.  "It sure took you long enough to get here!  I have a bone to pick with you."

"Oh, great.  now what?  I thought we would at least have a little time to visit.  It has been 15 years you know.  Don't you wonder what I have been doing?"

He smiled at that.  "Silly girl.  I peeked in on you from time to time.  Kind of surprised me that you never married again.  I thought that tall guy from St. Louis was going to get you cornered, but then he died.  Too bad.  Nice the way he changed his thought process and left you all that money to take care of people with.  And you made good use of it.  Helped a lot of people."

I smiled.  "That was fun.  I wish I could have spent my whole life spending money on other people, but you know how that goes."

"Sure do!  But here is the deal.  Remember when we made our will, and we had DNR's written up and then when I died you could not find mine and you know how that turned into a royal mess.  I was really mad when I woke up alive.  I had died and it was great and then all at once I was jerked back to earth and had all those tubes and stuff....I was so mad at you that I could have throttled you.  You know that don't you?"

"Yes" I said sadly, "but I was so upset that morning that I could not think straight.  I did not know that you were already dead.  No one told me.  I thought they were just asking as a precaution."  I stopped and remembered that morning long ago.  Then he smiled.

"Well, here is the thing.  I think it was the best thing for me.  That way I had time to think back on my life and to come to terms with every aspect of it.  Some was good, some was bad, but it gave me time to put it all in perspective.  And then when I did die for real, it was so much easier.  Leaving the earth, the kids, the grandkids was hard, but it was time.  By that time letting go was easier."

"I just went to sleep one night and never woke up the next morning.  Sure glad nobody found me and stuck me on a machine."  I looked at him, but he already knew how I had died.  Probably knew it before me!

"Yep.  That's the way to do it alright.  So what are you going to do all day?"  He looked at me quizzically.

"I don't know!  I have so many questions.  Is it always day?  Is it ever night?  Does it rain?  When will I see people?  Do we eat?  Where do you live?  Will we still be married?  Are there angels?  Have you seen your mother?  Have you seen my mother."  I stopped when I realized he was no longer there.  I had not seen him leave.  He just sort of wasn't there anymore.

I thought about my new home and was surprised to find I was in it and my dog and cat were at my feet.  This afterlife is sure taking some getting used to.